Author Archives: Coco

Uncover Your Path to Profitable Investments in the FCPO Market

The FCPO Market: A Dynamic Landscape with Unparalleled Wealth Potential The FCPO market holds immense wealth potential, and with the right investment strategies, it can become your new income stream and propel you towards your financial aspirations. CPO: High Volatility, … Continue reading

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The Bull Market of January 2024: Why Did It Take Until May to Realize It Was Here?

The stock market has been on a steady upward trajectory since January 2024, yet many investors didn’t recognize the start of a bull market until May. So, what should you do now? Is there still a chance to reap significant … Continue reading

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The Timing to Take Profit: When to take profit at the best timing?

The main goal for investing stocks is to earn a profit, but in our investment journey, identifying when to take profit has always been a challenge. When our stocks are continuously rising, we will be facing a series of decision … Continue reading

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Member Profit Achievements

After receiving stock investing training, his profits doubled! The training courses were insightful and easy to understand, helping him quickly grasp market trends and investment strategies. This experience changed his destiny, and he never anticipated achieving such remarkable success in … Continue reading

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An Intriguing Investment Tale: Why Do Investors Bring Ladders to the Stock Market?

Have you ever wondered why investors carry ladders to the stock market? The answer actually resides in the fascinating world of ever-expanding profits! In the realm of investment, the growth of profits is akin to a ladder, enabling investors to … Continue reading

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How to make more money?

The secret of customer earning 140 points in one week.  One week earned 140 points x RM 25 x 1 lot = RM 3,500If 2 lots = RM 7,000If 10 lots = RM 35,000 The World’s Best Investment Software is … Continue reading

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How much can I earn in two hours?

How much can I earn in two hours? If the CPO method is correct, the situation should be:1. Number of times: always win2. Make money: have earned + have a loss = still earn3. Win money: win a lot, lose … Continue reading

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【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily!

【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily! Are you aware that there are more than 70 different currency pairs in the foreign exchange market? Should you need analyzing one by one, it will consume a lot of … Continue reading

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21 Feb 2018 新的一年新的开始

 21 Feb 2018 新的一年新的开始   WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 将和你一起庆祝农历新年! 当晚时间表: 1) 享用新春开运菜 2) Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生 3) Group Discussion – 讨论新的赚钱计划 FatnRich 特别为您准备 … 好意头的新春开运菜 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 【发财就手:和味猪手】 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 【发财好市:发菜蚝豉】 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 【团团圆圆:红烧狮子头】 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 【富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾】 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

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What method to adopt that can ensure profits in the stock market?

What method to adopt that can ensure profits in the stock market? If you always want to reap profits in the stock market, you must first understand the buying/selling of the stocks at the right time. People said that investing … Continue reading

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[CryptoCurrency] Bitcoin BTCUSD Trend Analysis

[CryptoCurrency] Bitcoin BTCUSD Trend Analysis INSIDERS automatically analyzes the Bitcoin BTCUSD trend , thus enabling you to get a glimpse of its movement during your busy work. People are rushing to buy Bitcoin, but are they buying it at the … Continue reading

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2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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Malaysian palm Oil Investment Course (FCPO)

Malaysian palm Oil Investment Course (FCPO) We are delighted to share with you a Popular Malaysia’s Palm Oil Futures Investment Course, that includes awesome technique of buy low sell high and high price short selling on investing FCPO. Feel disappointed … Continue reading

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[Stock] Do you make investment and analysis methods review at midnight?

[Stock] Do you make investment and analysis methods review at midnight? Investors look for opportunities in buying rising stocks and often encounter problematic risky deal in buying it at high. Purchased stocks that continues to rise is good but what happen if it subsequently falls ? … Continue reading

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Buying activities of HTC shares before acquisition news

Buying activities of HTC shares before acquisition news Google announce the acquisition news of Taiwan HTC Corporation on 21st September 2017. Before the breaking news, buying activites on HTC corporation shares has already started. How do know about it? Well, INSIDERS … Continue reading

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The magic trick to invest in gold commodities contract

The magic trick to invest in gold commodities contract Investing in Gold market is not as simple as you think. The gold price can let you reap profit in beginning but can also turn to losses at any time. The … Continue reading

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Hong Kong Stock: Two Ways To Earn Money Through Stock

Hong Kong Stock: Two Ways To Earn Money Through Stock Hong Kong is a volatile and large profit range market. There are huge number of public funds involved in trading the stocks. Investors have ample choices to trade within short … Continue reading

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MLAB – The three tricks young people must learn!

MLAB – The three tricks young people must learn! Majority of people knows or heard about stocks but unfortunately very few people know how to buy stocks. Most people rely: – # On intuition # On news # Own collective … Continue reading

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Profiting from stocks makes you feel good

Profiting from stocks makes you feel good In the stock market, you can make profit or lose money depending on your abilities. No one like to lose money but if you have a mindset that you will lose money, then it … Continue reading

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Friends! Be cautious if you are buying GENTING stock!

Friends! Be cautious if you are buying GENTING stock! Genting? Sounds familiar? Some investors withhold Genting shares for long term; while some already knew that the stock is falling but still withhold it, hoping that it will rise again. Are … Continue reading

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Effective method in stock investment

Effective method in stock investment What is the most effective method to invest in stocks? In fact, it looks simple but yet… Many people invest in stocks, but how many are actually making money? Investors always encounter such problems: #1. When to buy? #2. When to sell? It … Continue reading

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INSIDERS – Solving Human Investment Weaknesses

INSIDERS – Solving Human Investment Weaknesses When investors buy stocks, they will likely encounter these FIVE major problems! Problem 1: Indiscriminate shares’ buying – buying the wrong shares Majority of investors rely on newspaper and news to buy so called … Continue reading

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CPO – Buy & hold, earn 57 points

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CPO – We tell you the secret

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CPO – Earn 55 points today

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CPO difficult to play, can make money too

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Three steps to reap maximum profits in the stock market

Three steps to reap maximum profits in the stock market The most frequent problem face by investors is selling the stocks at the wrong timing. As a result they earn very little at every trading. They could have easily earned … Continue reading

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Secrets of reaping profits in the stock market – Buy low sell high

Secrets of reaping profits in the stock market – Buy low sell high Buy low sell high, profit is already ensured in the pocket. This sentence looks simple, but to put into practice is not easy. How many investors can … Continue reading

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INSIDERS Stock Market Profit Strategy

INSIDERS Stock Market Profit Strategy In the stock market, 95% of people do not buy the stock at the right timing. So, how to determine the right timing to make profit? ….. After buying the stock, the stock price is … Continue reading

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INSIDERS: How to Capture Low and Sell High

INSIDERS: How to Capture Low and Sell High Successful investors capture low and sell high to make money in the stock market. The question is how to do it? Well, obviously if you have an easy way, then you can make … Continue reading

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The method to prevent losses in the stock market

The method to prevent losses in the stock market In the stock market, people either make profits or losses in their investments. Therefore, learning to prevent losses is an important investment skill. Normal people find difficulties to gain profit trading … Continue reading

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The key to creating wealth

The key to creating wealth As long as you understand the key to creating wealth; you can achieve your goal without having to worry about money. Facts can manifest into realities! The first key to creating wealth: Winning percentage The second key … Continue reading

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The most suitable software for the stock novice is this, investing in stocks depends on it

The most suitable software for the stock novice is this, investing in stocks depends on it Beginners initial problems in the stock market: #1: How to start investing? #2: What shares to buy currently? #3: Is this a volatile share? #4: Right time … Continue reading

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INSIDERS teaches you how to make profits in a volatile stock market

INSIDERS teaches you how to make profits in a volatile stock market The investment market is large and is not easy to find selected profitable stocks to earn 18% of the returns on the investment. How to go about to earn 100% returns on … Continue reading

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Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method

Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method To avoid the mistakes made by about 95% of the traders and to turn them into successful investors like the 5%, is indeed an arduous task!  You should not follow blindly the majority accepted views, but instead should … Continue reading

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How to seize earning opportunity from Hong Kong Share?

How to seize earning opportunity from Hong Kong Share? Buy more, earn more – fear loss more … Buy less, earn less – not afraid of loss … For me, “Buy at right timing is far more important than the … Continue reading

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How to trade Forex gold after Triumph’s election?

How to trade Forex gold after Triumph’s election? Everybody is saying that the United Stated election will definitely bring a huge impact on the stock markets. Are you still speculating the future trend of the market and hesitating to enter? … Continue reading

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Diagnosing Your Investment Problems

Diagnosing Your Investment Problems Many people spend time and money to learn on what is stock investment and yet fail to make profits from it. Could it be due to unwise decisions or lack tinged of luck? However, the fact is, you need … Continue reading

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People said Forex investment is like eating Spicy Hotpot, it makes you feel spicy hot and challenging!

People said Forex investment is like eating Spicy Hotpot, it makes you feel spicy hot and challenging! Forex market is dynamic in nature with high range volatility in prices. If you want to take profit from a particular investment, there … Continue reading

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How to Invest in a Potential Rising Stock

How to Invest in a Potential Rising Stock Timing is an important aspect of investment. Besides selecting a good stock to invest, the correct timing to enter the market to reap a high profit is a priority. Reasons for timely investment management: 1) Control risks by … Continue reading

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Benefits of FOREX

Benefits of FOREX The Foreign exchange market, commonly known as Forex, is an international currency trading market. The Foreign exchange market is the world’s most volatile financial markets. #1: Operates 24 hours a day The foreign exchange market operates 24 … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Investment and Speculation

The Difference Between Investment and Speculation The difference between investment and speculation is that the capital input method. Investment refers to the acquisition of an asset with the expectation of generating income. In a wider sense, it refers to the … Continue reading

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What is Investment Management?

What is Investment Management? Investment management is creating, managing and multiplying wealth. “Manage your money well and it will automatically fulfill your needs.” Water inflow source is your “Income”, the reservoir water is your “wealth storage” and the outflowing water your … Continue reading

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The Fastest And Most Efficient Buy Low Sell High Investment Tool

The Fastest And Most Efficient Buy Low Sell High Investment Tool Is investing in stocks meant for rich people only? Factually speaking, anyone can do investment if they know how to buy low and sell high. We want to inform … Continue reading

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Effective Ways To Increase Your Shareholdings

Effective Ways To Increase Your Shareholdings The secret of reducing risks and increasing the stake is here! When stock prices are low, increase the holdings. Vice versa, when stock prices are high; wait to sell. Caution: many investors always buy … Continue reading

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How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes

How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes Keen to know on how to earn more and loss less from stock investments? If you want to earn money in stock investments, consider the two major points: #1 Look … Continue reading

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Versatility of INSIDERS investment software

Versatility of INSIDERS investment software #1: High accuracy #2: High profit range #3: Simple and easy to use Stock investment cannot just rely on money to make profit, … Investment stocks by the human brain, it will be affected by … Continue reading

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Why You Should Use INSIDERS

Why You Should Use INSIDERS In the financial sector, investors must be one step ahead of others to obtain the lowest price, in order to earn profits. That is why you should use the smart investment software INSIDERS! One of … Continue reading

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5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment

5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment You should do a pre-self analysis before venturing into the investment field to circumspect future pitfalls. In the pre-investment stage, do you have your own investment method? Any researches done before you enter the market? The above 5 questions … Continue reading

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Technical analysis chart: EMETALL 7217

Technical analysis chart: EMETALL 7217 The latest technical analysis chart analysing the Malaysia stock EMETALL 7217. Within 4 months, the rate of returns can be 300%! Look at the following chart: Malaysia stock EMETALL GROUP BERHAD 7217 Now is the opportunity … Continue reading

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