Category Archives: Success Story

How to make more money?

The secret of customer earning 140 points in one week.  One week earned 140 points x RM 25 x 1 lot = RM 3,500If 2 lots = RM 7,000If 10 lots = RM 35,000 The World’s Best Investment Software is … Continue reading

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新的一年新的开始 昨晚的年庆活动举办成功,WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 恭祝大家农历新年快乐! 看看我们 FatnRich 特别为您准备的新春开运菜和 Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生… 通通都是好意头呀! 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 发财就手:和味猪手 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 发财好市:发菜蚝豉 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 团团圆圆:红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, CryptoCurrency, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Success Story, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 新的一年新的开始

CPO: How much do you think she earns today?

CPO: How much do you think she earns today? This young girl can earned RM1,350 in 5 hours, the income is calculated with 1 lot CPO. 1 lot = RM1,350 2 lots = RM2,700 How many lots CPO she traded? … Continue reading

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She earned RM850 today

She earned RM850 today Warren Buffett’s investment approach has been proven successful, but his success is not something that ordinary people can do. Don’t you agree? Our investment method is simple, because we want to teach people simple and easy … Continue reading

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She earned RM750 today

She earned RM750 today Show you what the average person does. The young girl can, and so can you. The following income RM750 is calculated with 1 lot CPO. If you are investing 2 lots, then you are earning RM1, … Continue reading

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Secret to Earn Better than Online Selling

Secret to Earn Better than Online Selling If you want to make money, sit in front of the computer can also make money. It’s OK to use your cell phone too. I’ll teach you how to make money with this … Continue reading

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She earns your 1 month’s salary in 4 days

She makes money in the simplest and easiest way. It turns out that the way she makes money is here. Do you want to reap such an investment profit? Be proactive and take immediate action now rather than just wishful thinking! … Continue reading

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Copy our way of making money

For more information, please contact us.

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Use this method to help you earn 1100 points

Want to use our unique “Day earn 500 points method” to help you earn Forex income, please contact us.

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CPO – Buy & hold, earn 57 points

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CPO – We tell you the secret

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CPO – Earn 55 points today

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CPO – Short Time, Fast Money

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CPO difficult to play, can make money too

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She has a good coach, do you have?

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Mentoring on how to trade CPO

Mentoring on how to trade CPO How much you can make per day by trading CPO … If you buy 1 lot … 50 points x 1 lot x RM25 = you earned RM1,250 If you buy 10 lots … 50 … Continue reading

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CPO day trading easily earn 25 points

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