Category Archives: Forex

United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar 2021 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily!

【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily! Are you aware that there are more than 70 different currency pairs in the foreign exchange market? Should you need analyzing one by one, it will consume a lot of … Continue reading

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新的一年新的开始 昨晚的年庆活动举办成功,WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 恭祝大家农历新年快乐! 看看我们 FatnRich 特别为您准备的新春开运菜和 Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生… 通通都是好意头呀! 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 发财就手:和味猪手 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 发财好市:发菜蚝豉 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 团团圆圆:红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

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2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

2018 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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2017 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar

2017 United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP Calendar United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP is one of the largest foreign exchange news, published once a month. NFP is an influential statistic and economic indicator released monthly by the United States … Continue reading

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Bitcoin (BTCUSD) direction analysis

Bitcoin (BTCUSD) direction analysis INSIDERS allows you to understand the movements of Bitcoin (CryptoCurrency) without wasting time analyzing it. We provide FREE CryptoCurrency investment course to interested individual. Refer to the CryptoCurrency chart below: Bitcoin (BTCUSD) Kindly contact us if you have any … Continue reading

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Learn How to Trade Bitcoin

Learn How to Trade Bitcoin Bitcoin is one of the CryptoCurrency. Today CryptoCurrency has become a global phenomenon acknowledged by most people. Bitcoin trading can be extremely profitable for professionals or beginners. The market is new, highly fragmented with huge … Continue reading

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Copy our way of making money

For more information, please contact us.

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Use this method to help you earn 1100 points

Want to use our unique “Day earn 500 points method” to help you earn Forex income, please contact us.

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Today Forex earned 480 points

Today Forex earned 480 points Spicy Forex Training Course is Coming Soon (Seats are limited, those interested please make your reservation early) Date: 13 July 2017 (Thursday) Time: 10 am – 6 pm Location: Penang Course contents: Trade Forex, Gold … Continue reading

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The most powerful ‘Forex Trading Course’ you can’t afford to miss!

The most powerful ‘Forex Trading Course’ you can’t afford to miss! A lot of investors are eagerly looking forward to our next Forex training course! Investors should grab this Forex trading training opportunity, as it is only held 3 to … Continue reading

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The major turning point opportunity for Gold commodities

The major turning point opportunity for Gold commodities What does gold (xauusd) investors need to pay attention to? The volatility of gold (xauusd) rate can bring considerable income or losses for investors. Gold belongs to a commodity exchange; the price … Continue reading

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How to trade Forex gold after Triumph’s election?

How to trade Forex gold after Triumph’s election? Everybody is saying that the United Stated election will definitely bring a huge impact on the stock markets. Are you still speculating the future trend of the market and hesitating to enter? … Continue reading

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With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry !

With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry ! According to the EPF Act, the employer must pay his employees’ contributions (KWSP/EPF) and correspondingly the employees also need to contribute part of their wages monthly. … Continue reading

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Earning extra income after work through Forex

Earning extra income after work through Forex Your time is mostly occupied by works. So do you want to earn extra after work? Let us see how much time remains within a day after less the working hours, sleep, meal … Continue reading

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People said Forex investment is like eating Spicy Hotpot, it makes you feel spicy hot and challenging!

People said Forex investment is like eating Spicy Hotpot, it makes you feel spicy hot and challenging! Forex market is dynamic in nature with high range volatility in prices. If you want to take profit from a particular investment, there … Continue reading

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Want to know on how to predict gold price trend?

Want to know on how to predict gold price trend? Is there an actual way to predict the gold price? I am sure this is what gold investors are interested in. In fact, predicting the trend of gold prices can just … Continue reading

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Benefits of FOREX

Benefits of FOREX The Foreign exchange market, commonly known as Forex, is an international currency trading market. The Foreign exchange market is the world’s most volatile financial markets. #1: Operates 24 hours a day The foreign exchange market operates 24 … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Investment and Speculation

The Difference Between Investment and Speculation The difference between investment and speculation is that the capital input method. Investment refers to the acquisition of an asset with the expectation of generating income. In a wider sense, it refers to the … Continue reading

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What is Investment Management?

What is Investment Management? Investment management is creating, managing and multiplying wealth. “Manage your money well and it will automatically fulfill your needs.” Water inflow source is your “Income”, the reservoir water is your “wealth storage” and the outflowing water your … Continue reading

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5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment

5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment You should do a pre-self analysis before venturing into the investment field to circumspect future pitfalls. In the pre-investment stage, do you have your own investment method? Any researches done before you enter the market? The above 5 questions … Continue reading

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How do the world perceive you?

How do the world perceive you? Now you are 20 and 30 years of age, are you already recognized by the world? Are you still having the conception that “Young people cannot become a millionaire within a short time”? In this … Continue reading

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12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from Stock Market

12 Rules of How to Avoid Losing and Start Making Money from Stock Market There are many ways and methods of investing money in the market at the 21st century. Hence, investors can use the golden rules to make the … Continue reading

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Short USDJPY within this six months to earn profits

Short USDJPY within this six months to earn profits Knowing how to master the major trend of the market, Forex trading is easy to accomplish. OLA trend line has indicated downward trend within this six months, by selling short several … Continue reading

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Gold trend

Gold trend An announcement on United States Non Farm Payrolls NFP will be made tomorrow night at 8.30 pm (MYT). So stay tune to it! Will it influence the price of XAUUSD (GOLD) ? Forex currency pairs: XAUUSD (GOLD) Current trend: … Continue reading

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Pertinent method to trade AUDUSD

Pertinent method to trade AUDUSD Investors often grouched: Exchange rate has fallen low, it is the time to bargain-hunt; or price has already risen too high, too risky to buy! According to your judgment, what is high? What is low? … Continue reading

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Malaysia Ringgit Future Trend

Malaysia Ringgit Future Trend What do you think about the future trend of ringgit Malaysia? INSIDERS not only provides you the currency charts, but also help investors to accurately grasp the prospective timing on Forex trading. As shown below: USDMYR … Continue reading

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INSIDERS’ strongest indicators can capture forex market high

INSIDERS’ strongest indicators can capture forex market high In future, fundamental and technical analysis will be obsoleted. So, are you ready for the latest INSIDERS‘ technology ? Having the right tool, reaping profits from Forex market is not that difficult. … Continue reading

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USDMYR Forex Pair Movements

USDMYR Forex Pair Movements Ringgit Malaysia depreciation is very serious this year and all Malaysians worried. Ringgit Malaysia exchange rate has been falling and hit the historical low at USD $1 exchange rate for RM4.456. Refer to the following chart: … Continue reading

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INSIDERS’ Investment Secret Weapons

INSIDERS’ Investment Secret Weapons INSIDERS investment software advantages: 1. Using the world’s latest technology. 2. Suitable for all kinds of investment. 3. Simple and easy to learn and use. 4. More precise and accurate than “the traditional technical analysis”. Product … Continue reading

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Capture the good timing of AUDUSD reversed

Capture the good timing of AUDUSD reversed The adage: “Catch buy low, sell high” is easy to utter but difficult to apply? Not necessarily so … See the following chart: Forex AUDUSD (INSIDERS helps you to solve the problems) How … Continue reading

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Foreign exchange market trend has changed

Foreign exchange market trend has changed The Foreign exchange market trend has changed. Previously when the EURUSD increased, GBPUSD also increased. However, viewing at the chart below, you will notice that the market had changed drastically from its previous trend. … Continue reading

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Anniversary product PROMOTION!

Anniversary product PROMOTION! To celebrate FatnRich 7th anniversary, the Company is launching a great promotion plan, will be selling at 30% sale price off! Grab this great opportunity and claim your book from us now! Owing to the hectic rhythm … Continue reading

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Gold Commodities keep rising

Gold Commodities keep rising The price of gold continued to rise, you happy? Interested to invest in Forex or Commodities market but lacks experience, then you need a professional investment guidance. Been an expert in Forex or Commodities market coupled … Continue reading

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Gold XAUUSD on bullish trend!

Gold XAUUSD on bullish trend! Want to invest in gold but do not know how to get initiated? Or just starting to invest, but unsure of the right way? This ingenious INSIDERS method is not to be missed! Refer to … Continue reading

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Buying Gold at the wrong direction?

Buying Gold at the wrong direction? Gold trend has declined for the past two or three months and will it continue to fall as highlighted by the major newspapers? Take a look at the latest movement of GOLD – XAUUSD : … Continue reading

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Right perspective on trading in Forex

Right perspective on trading in Forex Do you know the best way of earning profits in Forex Market? #1.  It is still Buy Low Sell High #2.  Invest with low capital to reap high profits. Only then you can reap profits in FOREX market. Refer the … Continue reading

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Technical Analysis VS. INSIDERS

Technical Analysis VS. INSIDERS Which approach is faster and has lower risks? Refer chart below: Gold XAUUSD We are conducting a Spicy Forex Training Course on 9 December 2015. Interested? Kindly contact us at : WhatsApp: 012-475 7723 WeChat: FatnRich or scan … Continue reading

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Forex currency pair USDCHF daily chart

Forex currency pair USDCHF daily chart Why is it so many people are spending endless hours analyzing Forex trading? The probable reasons been: 1. Requirement to follow rules and principles of trading in foreign exchange. 2. Full attention required for … Continue reading

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Conducive timing to long USDJPY

Conducive timing to long USDJPY By using simple investing method, you can make easy money in Forex. Currently there are sporadic workers’ layoffs and do you have a second source of sustaining income? Investing in property? Capability of paying installments are one’s main … Continue reading

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Nice Short on EURUSD

Nice Short on EURUSD The following chart will show you the best Forex trading strategy. Refer to the following chart: Forex EURUSD EURUSD – At Chilli exit point short it. Of course, you can go short without reading or listening to any … Continue reading

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Short XAUUSD at the opportune time

Short XAUUSD at the opportune time In gold investment, can you catch the right timing to buy or sell accurately? INSIDERS sell signal can pin point ‘sell’ at a very high point, thus enabling you to earn more than others. General technical analysis cannot provide this function. Refer … Continue reading

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Immediately Change To Become an Investment Expert!

Immediately Change To Become an Investment Expert! Everyone says that gold is the safest investment. Is it true? If gold prices dropped, we also loss. What then is the safest investment? It is by doing your homework, analyzes the market, … Continue reading

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Forex winning strategies: Catching the high and low points

Forex winning strategies: Catching the high and low points The essence of trading Forex is to sell at high and buy at low. Mere talk is easy but action speaks louder than words. After securing both the high and low … Continue reading

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The secret of investing Forex Spot Gold with $100

The secret of investing Forex Spot Gold with $100 Why are people afraid to invest in Forex? Does it require a lot of capital? High investment risks involved? The truth is: if your used fund is only USD100, then your … Continue reading

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Four ways of earning profits from GBPUSD

Four ways of earning profits from GBPUSD Investing in Forex using different methods can also help you earn profits (win more and lose less) ! Forex pair: GBPUSD Method 1: According to Spicy Chilli entry and exit price; conducting trading … Continue reading

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INSIDERS’ Signal Is More Reliable Than Grapevine News!

INSIDERS’ Signal Is More Reliable Than Grapevine News! This week major currencies may be look at New Zealand Dollar, Sterling and the Australian dollar. The chart below show Forex market USDNZD Refer to the above chart,the best way to invest in … Continue reading

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Forex Market : GBPJPY’s Trend

Forex Market : GBPJPY’s Trend While investing in Forex market, besides the psychological barrier that one needs to overcome, mastering the future movements of the currency is another important issue toward success. The ever-changing movements in Forex market, make it hard to predict … Continue reading

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GBPUSD currency pair movements

GBPUSD currency pair movements The GBPUSD is the most common and frequently trade currency pair in the foreign exchange market. However, it does not mean that everyone knows how to analyze the trend of this currency pair. People usually mention … Continue reading

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Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles

Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles  Instead of self retroflection, we often blame others for our miseries like been born to a poor family; poor family background; bad luck; no financial supporters etc. We should not give in to misfortunes and … Continue reading

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