Tag Archives: USDJPY

【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily!

【Forex】Anyone can apply this Forex Strategy in their investments easily! Are you aware that there are more than 70 different currency pairs in the foreign exchange market? Should you need analyzing one by one, it will consume a lot of … Continue reading

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Short USDJPY within this six months to earn profits

Short USDJPY within this six months to earn profits Knowing how to master the major trend of the market, Forex trading is easy to accomplish. OLA trend line has indicated downward trend within this six months, by selling short several … Continue reading

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Conducive timing to long USDJPY

Conducive timing to long USDJPY By using simple investing method, you can make easy money in Forex. Currently there are sporadic workers’ layoffs and do you have a second source of sustaining income? Investing in property? Capability of paying installments are one’s main … Continue reading

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Depending On Salary Alone is Not Enough!

Depending On Salary Alone is Not Enough! “Plans can never correspond with changes, changes can never harmonize  with your employers’ words.” In Malaysia [Plans]  salary increases, cannot keep up in tandem with changes in Inflation rate. Worse still…. infuriating words from your boss may make … Continue reading

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A simple way to understand Forex

A simple way to understand Forex Why is it that there so many people losing money in Forex investments? This is because they have not really learnt on how to make money in Forex investments Why is it there are so many people … Continue reading

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Forex USDJPY Pair

Forex USDJPY Pair In the Forex market, USDJPY pair continued to rise lately. From your analysis, will this pair continue to rise? Using Buy and Hold Strategy, when is the correct timing to go  for long or short? With buy … Continue reading

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