Category Archives: Malaysia Stocks

The Bull Market of January 2024: Why Did It Take Until May to Realize It Was Here?

The stock market has been on a steady upward trajectory since January 2024, yet many investors didn’t recognize the start of a bull market until May. So, what should you do now? Is there still a chance to reap significant … Continue reading

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The Timing to Take Profit: When to take profit at the best timing?

The main goal for investing stocks is to earn a profit, but in our investment journey, identifying when to take profit has always been a challenge. When our stocks are continuously rising, we will be facing a series of decision … Continue reading

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Member Profit Achievements

After receiving stock investing training, his profits doubled! The training courses were insightful and easy to understand, helping him quickly grasp market trends and investment strategies. This experience changed his destiny, and he never anticipated achieving such remarkable success in … Continue reading

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An Intriguing Investment Tale: Why Do Investors Bring Ladders to the Stock Market?

Have you ever wondered why investors carry ladders to the stock market? The answer actually resides in the fascinating world of ever-expanding profits! In the realm of investment, the growth of profits is akin to a ladder, enabling investors to … Continue reading

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So many people buy falling stocks, why?

So many people buy falling stocks VSOLAR, why?

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GPACKET-WB (0082WB) GREEN PACKET BERHAD WARRANTS B stock price movements. The result is different when you change your investment method.

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The Solution to The Stock’s Constant Loss

Are majority of the shares you purchase making a loss? So you haven’t found an investment software that’s simple and allows you to make money! We provide customers with free training courses and perfect after-sales service! If you wish to … Continue reading

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KLCI Trend Analysis

KLCI Trend Analysis

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How do beginners know in advance that MYEG’s price will fall

How do beginners know in advance that MYEG’s price will fall MYEG fell terriblily. How do a beginner know in advance that MYEG’s price will fall? I believe the following INSIDERS chart can easily show you MYEG trends. Ready to … Continue reading

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KLCI Before and After Election

KLCI Before and After Election Before election, investors no idea how is the market direction going to happen, but you can predict the stock market easily with INSIDERS. KLCI before election: KLCI after election: Same thing like CIMB, we knew … Continue reading

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Malaysia’s NESTLE 4707 Blue Chip Investment Strategy

Malaysia’s NESTLE 4707 Blue Chip Investment Strategy Malaysia’s NESTLE 4707 is a heavyweight stock in the Malaysian market. Let’s talk about investment strategy on how to invest in this blue chip stock. Malaysia’s NESTLE 4707 is no stranger to stock … Continue reading

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新的一年新的开始 昨晚的年庆活动举办成功,WELLTODO GROUP & STEVEN 恭祝大家农历新年快乐! 看看我们 FatnRich 特别为您准备的新春开运菜和 Lo-Hei Yu Sheng 捞起魚生… 通通都是好意头呀! 新的一年有新的开始,无论上一年丰收与否,都希望来年比上年过得更好。 新春的菜肴吃了能开启好运气,希望新的一年红红火火,蒸蒸日上,富贵吉祥。 发财就手:和味猪手 猪手是新年里常见的菜式,有发财就手的含义。此外,猪手蕴含丰富的胶原蛋白,也是爱美人士的美容佳品。如此好的好食材,过年就选定它了,和味猪手真的很和味。 发财好市:发菜蚝豉 这是一道老广非常爱吃的菜式,味鲜浓郁,营养丰富。发菜是生长于沙漠和贫瘠土壤中的菌类,状如发丝,也叫龙须菜,性寒甘,有消痰散结,清热利水之功效。蚝豉即晒干的牡蛎,含多种蛋白质和维生素,素有”海牛奶” 和 “天然伟哥”之称。 因为它们不仅营养美味,而且“发菜”谐音“发财”,“蚝豉”谐音“好市”或“好事”。 团团圆圆:红烧狮子头 红烧狮子头,也称四喜丸子,是一道淮扬名菜。 富贵吉祥:翡翠凤眼虾 白果镶嵌在鲜虾中,以鲜百合围边儿托之,好似凤眼一般,晶莹透亮,缤纷明艳的色泽让这道菜十足惹味。在餐桌上,虾代表尊贵,而广东话里虾和哈同音,意思是“笑哈哈”,因此这道菜的寓意是“富贵吉祥、喜庆团圆”。

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What method to adopt that can ensure profits in the stock market?

What method to adopt that can ensure profits in the stock market? If you always want to reap profits in the stock market, you must first understand the buying/selling of the stocks at the right time. People said that investing … Continue reading

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[Stock] How to Invest in Blue Chip

[Stock] How to Invest in Blue Chip What is the purpose of your blue chips investment? To be its shareholder? If not, then why withhold its stock for so long time? Or do you perceived that blue chips are large … Continue reading

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[Stocks] The secret of creating wealth in the stock market

[Stocks] The secret of creating wealth in the stock market 《Creating Wealth in Stock Market》- One of the profit tips from investing in shares as highlighted in this investment book is : Buy Low and Sell High Not everyone can … Continue reading

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[Stock] How to buy stocks before price surges?

[Stock] How to buy stocks before price surges? Many investors encounter problems not only on how to buy stocks before price surges but also how to earn more and loss less in the stock market. How to change this situation? … Continue reading

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Learnt stock trading today and start trading tomorrow!

Learnt stock trading today and start trading tomorrow! Even pro stock traders cannot do this; learnt today, trade tomorrow! The reason been that they learnt the difficult ways to invest in stocks. Did you learnt this difficult methods: Fundamental Analysis, … Continue reading

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Eager to use your wages to generate money in the stock market?

Eager to use your wages to generate money in the stock market? The stock market is a money generating avenue. Ever thought of using your wages to generate profits in the stock market? Are you still having difficulties determining methods … Continue reading

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Do you need complicated technical analysis to analyze stock?

Do you need complicated technical analysis to analyze stock?  How many technical indicators do you need referring to consider the best timing for buying and selling stocks? Analyzing a stock takes time and if you possess many stocks, a lot … Continue reading

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MLAB – The three tricks young people must learn!

MLAB – The three tricks young people must learn! Majority of people knows or heard about stocks but unfortunately very few people know how to buy stocks. Most people rely: – # On intuition # On news # Own collective … Continue reading

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How To Maximise Your Earnings By Holding The Right Stock

How To Maximise Your Earnings By Holding The Right Stock As everyone knows; the easiest way to withhold a stock is to buy low and sell high; that is the share’s price either move upward or downward. However, can every … Continue reading

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Profiting from stocks makes you feel good

Profiting from stocks makes you feel good In the stock market, you can make profit or lose money depending on your abilities. No one like to lose money but if you have a mindset that you will lose money, then it … Continue reading

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Friends! Be cautious if you are buying GENTING stock!

Friends! Be cautious if you are buying GENTING stock! Genting? Sounds familiar? Some investors withhold Genting shares for long term; while some already knew that the stock is falling but still withhold it, hoping that it will rise again. Are … Continue reading

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How to trade stock earning more than 20% every time?

How to trade stock earning more than 20% every time? If you sell the stock when it is up 20%, you earn only 20% of the profits. If after selling, the stock price fell, you feel lucky that you have … Continue reading

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Amazing performance by FOCUS with 331% increase

Amazing performance by FOCUS with 331% increase Your investment good partner – INSIDERS We eagerly talk about investments, by just following the news it is too unreliable; if based on fundamental, it needed time to familiarize. Why not try the … Continue reading

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Eager to know on how to “use money to make money”?

Eager to know on how to “use money to make money”? “Life can accumulate how many wealth does not depend on how much you can earn, but depends on how you manage your fund. Use money to money earn money … Continue reading

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When to sell the stock that rises more than double within a month?

When to sell the stock that rises more than double within a month? There are more over than a thousand stocks in the market. When your selected stock rise more than double, but you don’t know when should sell… Let … Continue reading

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Secrets of reaping profits in the stock market – Buy low sell high

Secrets of reaping profits in the stock market – Buy low sell high Buy low sell high, profit is already ensured in the pocket. This sentence looks simple, but to put into practice is not easy. How many investors can … Continue reading

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The secret on how to double your profits in investment

The secret on how to double your profits in investment Many people are eager to reveal the secret on how to double their profits in investment; but regretfully till now, they are unable to do so. Investment profits can be … Continue reading

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Allusion to the experts on how to grasp the buy low opportunity

Allusion to the experts on how to grasp the buy low opportunity Can we buy back the stock that had already been sold? Many people have misguided investment idea: They conveniently fail to look back at those stocks that had … Continue reading

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Why sell early the profitable stock GBGAQRS?

Why sell early the profitable stock GBGAQRS? Buy GBGAQRS 5226 at low price but uncertain whether to withhold or sell early? The main point is, how can you decide whether to hold the stock or not? Well, our powerful software … Continue reading

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INSIDERS: How to Capture Low and Sell High

INSIDERS: How to Capture Low and Sell High Successful investors capture low and sell high to make money in the stock market. The question is how to do it? Well, obviously if you have an easy way, then you can make … Continue reading

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Buy low sell high with INSIDERS (beyond the technical method)

Buy low sell high with INSIDERS (beyond the technical method) The stock market started rallying at the end of 2016. However, of late it has slowed down (KLCI current indicate the stock market is at shaky zone). Many investors are … Continue reading

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Understanding stock trading in just 3 minutes

Understanding stock trading in just 3 minutes How does a novice start investing in stocks? To rely on stocks to make money, you need efforts, concentration and knowledge. #1: Stock novice needs to overcome the initial psychological fear of investment … Continue reading

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The method to prevent losses in the stock market

The method to prevent losses in the stock market In the stock market, people either make profits or losses in their investments. Therefore, learning to prevent losses is an important investment skill. Normal people find difficulties to gain profit trading … Continue reading

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The most suitable software for the stock novice is this, investing in stocks depends on it

The most suitable software for the stock novice is this, investing in stocks depends on it Beginners initial problems in the stock market: #1: How to start investing? #2: What shares to buy currently? #3: Is this a volatile share? #4: Right time … Continue reading

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INSIDERS teaches you how to make profits in a volatile stock market

INSIDERS teaches you how to make profits in a volatile stock market The investment market is large and is not easy to find selected profitable stocks to earn 18% of the returns on the investment. How to go about to earn 100% returns on … Continue reading

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Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method

Understanding market information – INSIDERS’ method To avoid the mistakes made by about 95% of the traders and to turn them into successful investors like the 5%, is indeed an arduous task!  You should not follow blindly the majority accepted views, but instead should … Continue reading

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Can OWG Holding 5260 face the challenge?

Can OWG Holding 5260 face the challenge? Penang famous KOMTAR building is one of the OWG Groups’ industry. A fire outbreak occurred at the KOMTAR building on October 15, 2016, and this incident has not adversely affected the OWG Holdings … Continue reading

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With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry !

With savings in the Employees Provident Fund, retirees does not need to worry ! According to the EPF Act, the employer must pay his employees’ contributions (KWSP/EPF) and correspondingly the employees also need to contribute part of their wages monthly. … Continue reading

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Diagnosing Your Investment Problems

Diagnosing Your Investment Problems Many people spend time and money to learn on what is stock investment and yet fail to make profits from it. Could it be due to unwise decisions or lack tinged of luck? However, the fact is, you need … Continue reading

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How to make money in stock investment

How to make money in stock investment Everyone knows how to spend money at 7-11 convenience stores, but not many know how to buy 7-11 stocks to make money! Refers to the following graph: 7 Eleven Malaysia Holdings Bhd (SEM … Continue reading

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How INSIDERS can predicts the stock price increase margin

How INSIDERS can predicts the stock price increase margin Why look for a different technical analysis? In stock investment, can the different technical analysis available in the market predict the stock price increase margin? At times, we want to know … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Investment and Speculation

The Difference Between Investment and Speculation The difference between investment and speculation is that the capital input method. Investment refers to the acquisition of an asset with the expectation of generating income. In a wider sense, it refers to the … Continue reading

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What is Investment Management?

What is Investment Management? Investment management is creating, managing and multiplying wealth. “Manage your money well and it will automatically fulfill your needs.” Water inflow source is your “Income”, the reservoir water is your “wealth storage” and the outflowing water your … Continue reading

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Effective Ways To Increase Your Shareholdings

Effective Ways To Increase Your Shareholdings The secret of reducing risks and increasing the stake is here! When stock prices are low, increase the holdings. Vice versa, when stock prices are high; wait to sell. Caution: many investors always buy … Continue reading

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How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes

How To Venture Into The Stock Market In 3 Minutes Keen to know on how to earn more and loss less from stock investments? If you want to earn money in stock investments, consider the two major points: #1 Look … Continue reading

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Versatility of INSIDERS investment software

Versatility of INSIDERS investment software #1: High accuracy #2: High profit range #3: Simple and easy to use Stock investment cannot just rely on money to make profit, … Investment stocks by the human brain, it will be affected by … Continue reading

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Why You Should Use INSIDERS

Why You Should Use INSIDERS In the financial sector, investors must be one step ahead of others to obtain the lowest price, in order to earn profits. That is why you should use the smart investment software INSIDERS! One of … Continue reading

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5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment

5 important keys pre-self exploration before investment You should do a pre-self analysis before venturing into the investment field to circumspect future pitfalls. In the pre-investment stage, do you have your own investment method? Any researches done before you enter the market? The above 5 questions … Continue reading

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