The method to prevent losses in the stock market

The method to prevent losses in the stock market

In the stock market, people either make profits or losses in their investments. Therefore, learning to prevent losses is an important investment skill.

Normal people find difficulties to gain profit trading in stocks, while professionals find it otherwise.


Professionals’ verses normal traders:

#1: Resolute to make quick profits.

#2: Followed a systematic investment method.

#3: Ability to seize the precise timing to quit.

INSIDERS ’relevant techniques cover: The process of stocks’ selection > The right timing to enter the market > The ability to withhold the stocks confidently > Quit the market at the high price position.

If you are holding a particular stock and are unable to determine the correct quit timing, we would like to recommend a simple and easy method to you.

Let’s take a look at the Malaysia stock: 7-11 Malaysia Holdings Bhd (SEM 5250)

The method to prevent losses in the stock market

INSIDERS’ intelligent stock investment software method on how to seize the quit timing precisely is tabulated below:

#1: Share price reach red level.

#2: OLA grey trend line turning downwards

#3: RICH’s sell signal appeared, stock price fall the next day; sell it so that you can exit the market at high price position, which also means you successfully escaped from the downtrend of SEM’s stock price.

Look at the relevant example:

Let’s assumed that you are holding SEM’s stock now

Buying price RM1.90

Buying quantity: 20,000 units

Capital: RM38,000

Price drop to: RM1.40

Paper loss: (RM 1.90 – RM 1.40) x 20,000 units = -RM10,000

The problem is: Should you buy SEM stock at high price unaware of its upcoming downtrend movements, then you will be facing book loss soon!

What happen if you lost more than this amount? Don’t you think a preventive solution is necessary?

Solution: Use INSIDERS’ intelligent stock investment software that notify you of the upcoming downtrend and restrain you from entering the market at high price position.

INSIDERS itself is a software that can generate profit for you. A solution that can overcome many of your investment problems!

What are you waiting for?

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