Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles

Change Yourself To Suit Your Cherished Lifestyles 

Instead of self retroflection, we often blame others for our miseries like been born to a poor family; poor family background; bad luck; no financial supporters etc.

We should not give in to misfortunes and difficulties easily.  We should not say: “This is my fate…”

In fact, we are the master of our own destiny. In order to be wealthy we must have the right positive attitudes.

“Money” is not the main reason that causes you to fail to create wealth.

“Poor thinking and poor attitude” is the actual reason that causes you to fail to create wealth.

The Magic Idea of Getting Rich by Dr. Steven Lee“When we think we want to be a millionaire, our thoughts automatically reject it; because we equate money with pain & suffering. The idea of being a millionaire and earning millions in this life time, we think is impossible.” —— <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich> Dr. Steven Lee (Ph.D).

What makes you fear failures and affects you the most is your “heart”.

Therefore, if you want to change your lifestyle, you must first change yourself!

If you want to get rich, then you have to keep pace in tandem with the rich!

Wish to change your mindset?

Then read the book by Dr Steven Lee <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich>> It will definitely transform your mindset!

Kindly contact us, if you are interested in purchasing <The Magic Idea of Getting Rich>, a PDF (e-book).

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