Are you still holding IFCAMSC stock?

Are you still holding IFCAMSC stock?

IFCAMSC stock price has declined since the end of May until now. The targeted price shown by INSIDERS’ OLA grey lines is around 90¢. Currently the price has dropped by about 45%.

Attention: Holding a loss stock are many investors biggest mistake.

Two personal questions:

1. Do I know how to invest in stock?

2. Why do I hesitate to sell it, when the stock falls?

Refer to chart below: Malaysia stock IFCAMSC 0023

Malaysia stock IFCAMSC 0023

Question: Do you know when to sell IFCAMSC?

Problem: Unsure when to sell ⇒ thus missed the profit taking

IFCAMSC has dropped since the end of May and its share price has broken through the OLA highest points. OLA also showed that the future trend is on downward trend. Moreover, sell signal (Red signal) appeared and if the next day the price falls, sell immediately.

The application of INSIDERS software is very simple and easy. It help you identify the lower and higher points and the future trends of the stock within a minute, before the profit slips away.

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