Investment mistakes that should be avoided

Investment mistakes that should be avoided

What are the mistakes likely to occur in an investment?

The problem in not knowing how to select stocks to invest, resulting in buying the wrong stocks that continued to drop instead of rising!

Example is Malaysia stock AirAsia X; where its stock price fell from RM0.83 to RM0.38, a drop of nearly 54%! The continuous stock fall, resulted in many inexperienced investors ended in big losses!

A lot of people do not know how to analyze the stocks’ future trends, thus making a big mistake in purchasing stocks that are still going downward!

The following chart: Malaysia stock Airasia X Berhad (AAX 5238)

Malaysia stock Airasia X Berhad (AAX 5238)

How to avoid in making such an investment mistake?

You need a tool like INSIDERS to assist you in investment.

Please refer to the chart: OLA indicated that AirAsia X shares are going downward all the way and should not be purchased. Besides this, there are other rising stocks in the market you can buy.

As a gentle reminder:

If you are committing this wrong investment mistake, you must ceased this bad investment behavior immediately.

Sequentially if you had bought the wrong stocks like AirAsia X, even if it is at a loss, you must sell it in order to avoid further losses.

Before buying any stock, you must first set up a stop loss mechanism; so that you are well prepared in advance in facing cut loss.

‘You need patience in buying and determination in selling’ – FatnRich

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