Malaysia Futures index trend: Short

Malaysia Futures index trend: Short

Many investors do not know that the stock market is currently at the down trend. Why not short Futures?

See the following chart and you will understand the Malaysia Futures FKLI market trend at a glance.

Malaysia Futures FKLI market trend

If you had short Futures on April 29, 2015, until now; you would have profited about 115 points.

1 lot: 115 points x 1 lot x RM50 = RM5,750 (required deposits: RM3,000)

Average earning RM155, higher than the average daily wage workers.

If invested 2 lots: 115 points x 2 lots x RM50 = RM11,500 (required funds: RM6,000)

Want to start Futures investment, but do not know how to start, then contact us at (+6)04-8913 200 / 201

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