Taiwan stock: How to reap huge profit in the stock market

Taiwan stock: How to reap huge profit in the stock market

There is no such thing as 100% guarantees profits in the stock market all the time, but to earn more profit easily is achievable. Let us teach you how to apply our INSIDERS investment software to achieve this.

Refer to the following method for Taiwan stock Quanta Storage Inc 6188

Taiwan stock Quanta Storage Inc 6188

P/S: Please have a look at the chart above. A very low range cut loss is set which the traditional technical analysis is unable.

Why is it so?

It is because the traditional technology analysis cannot provide you the relatively low price buy signal to enable you to apply our stop-loss method. (INSIDERS stop loss low price is set one or two days prior to the signal appearance).

The shortcomings of traditional technical analysis:

# 1: Stop loss is huge.
# 2: Easily affected by the market volatility, resulting more often in losing money cum reducing the winning percentage.

Approaching with our INSIDERS buy signal, you profit more than loss.

Buy signal: INSIDERS RICH green buy signal
Stop loss low is set one or two days prior to the signal appearance, thus the rate of stop loss is minimum (only 2.6%), but the profit generated is within 39.87%; which is a huge earning.

Every investor knows the logic, but can it be achieved?

Please consider the following questions:
1. After purchasing, will you sell your stock if it falls below the recommended stop loss price?

A: There may be people among you (who cannot accept losses), who would with hold selling and just await profit taking. Ponder for a moment, should the stock price falls continuously, what will be his outcome?

Everyone mindset is different, but if you choose to follow our way, we can make you earn more and lose less!

To prevent further losses, make trading with our INSIDERS as your guidance ~

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