Refrain from Buy Malaysia Genting 3182

Refrain from Buy Malaysia Genting 3182

Why ?

#1: Genting share is now on a downward trend. (Refers to INSIDERS chart)

#2: Currently, Blue-chip stocks won’t make you rich but Penny stocks will !

#3: Don’t buy Blue-chip stocks when you are lacking in capitals.

Genting 3182

However there are still many people buying this stock, having the false notion that they will earn profits by investing in this stock.

How long does it take to rise from $8 to $10 for a Blue-chip stock?

How long does it take to rise from $1 to $1.25 for a Penny stock?

Which stock is lower risk with higher return?

The risk is relatively higher if the period of time taking is longer just to earn same return, isn’t it?

If you are interested to earn alternative profits from this shares, find out more from INSIDER

Instead of buying blindly!

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