Secret to Earning More And Losing Less in BOE Stock Investment

Secret to Earning More And Losing Less in BOE Stock Investment

When it involve investments, two words come to the fore front: Loss and Win

The first thing to learn in investment is to accept and face losses and to take defensive actions to avoid it.

The benefits of setting up stop-loss mechanism:

1. If the stock you had purchased is falling instead of rising; then you need to set a sell out mechanism in order to reduce massive losses, when the stock price keeps falling.

2. Conversely, if the stock you had purchased keeps rising: a sell out mechanism is also needed to lock in profits from slipping away when the stock price falls.

The following chart: China stock BOE Technology Group Co Ltd (SZ000725)

China stock BOE Technology Group Co Ltd (SZ000725)

How to set a stop-loss mechanism?

1. After buying the stock and if the stock price falls, then one needs to decide and place an acceptable price level stop-loss point.

2. As shown in the above chart, in accordance with INSIDERS buy signal, buy if stock price rises on the next day and it is advisable to set a stop loss point according to at least
1-2 days’ previous low.

If you possess a highly accuracy signal to assist you, then you do not need to widen up your stop-loss point. This is how losses are minimized while profits maximized.

If you do not possess a helpful software to assist you, why not try out our INSIDERS investment software? Perhaps this is what you have been searching!

So kindly contact us NOW!!

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