The volume for KNM (7164) has improved significantly!

The volume for KNM (7164) has improved significantly!

Why are investors still continuing to purchase large number of stocks even though the stock price on the declined?

The volume for KNM (7164) has improved significantly!

Take a look at the chart, after the first round of the fallen price (shown by the light blue colour arrow), investors believed that the price for KNM will rebound so they eagerly buy the stock; never expecting that the second round of price fall (shown by the light purple colour arrow) is awaiting them.

After two rounds of falling, investors once again predict that the price for KNM will rebound but unfortunately, the price remain falling even until today.

The results will be different if you have INSIDERS!

Before the share price started to drop, INSIDERS’s sell signal already appeared! Together with the prediction of OLA, this share is no longer viable to buy!

When a price for certain stock dropped, many people presume that it would be the safe timing to buy it. However this does not mean that the share price would rise soon.

It is may continue to maintain on a declining stage over a period of time and you cannot predict how many rounds of price fall is going to happen.

In order to avoid “low share price while awaiting the right timing to buy”, you should let INSIDERS help you.

With this, you can definitely avert the wrong timing to buy stocks!

Dial 04-8913 200/201 for more information.

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