Tag Archives: profit

How to Invest in a Potential Rising Stock

How to Invest in a Potential Rising Stock Timing is an important aspect of investment. Besides selecting a good stock to invest, the correct timing to enter the market to reap a high profit is a priority. Reasons for timely investment management: 1) Control risks by … Continue reading

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Wrong investment method does not generate money

Wrong investment method does not generate money When the stocks are down and you are not selling, how can you make profits from it ? The main reason you make an investment is to make money and if you neither … Continue reading

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Achievement like others!

Achievement like others! Most of the world’s millionaires are bred from the stock market! Warren Buffett has been listed a few times the world’s richest man. Why do people still won’t believe that investments can make them rich? The reason … Continue reading

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Earning fast money using INSIDERS software

Earning fast money using INSIDERS software Impossible to earn fast money in the stock market? Nothing is impossible in the stock market! How to make the impossible possible then?   Please refer chart below: Malaysia’s stock COMCORP 7195 INSIDERS’ Spicy Chilli appears simultaneously … Continue reading

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The Bottom Price of Taiwan Stock Gigastorage Corporation

The Bottom Price of Taiwan Stock Gigastorage Corporation The aim of investing in stocks is to make money and to be able to do that, one must try to buy low sell high. However, many investors find hard to determine … Continue reading

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The Secret of Buying UK Stock to Earn Money

The Secret of Buying UK Stock to Earn Money Buying stock is meant to make money. Avoid buying stocks that cannot help you to make money. Sometimes you have to cut loss when some stocks are losing money. Stock investment … Continue reading

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FFHB-WB Warrant upsurge

FFHB-WB Warrant upsurge While you are making fast money on warrants, do not underestimate other potential warrants that may also run high. The problem is when to buy before it runs high? Refer to chart below: Malaysia stock FFHB-WB warrant 8605WB Follow … Continue reading

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How to place additional order when buying the same stocks

How to place additional order when buying the same stocks While placing additional order/s when buying the same stock, controlling risks are important and is a must. Look how INSIDERS controls the risks… Refer chart below: Omedia 0018 INSIDERS methods of placing additional order: #1: BOTTOM price … Continue reading

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The only software with abilities to track the bottom prices in the world-Taiwan Weighted Index (TWII)

The only software with abilities to track the bottom prices in the world-Taiwan Weighted Index (TWII) In the stock market, are you capable to enter into the market buying low and sell high to make a profit? Well, INSIDERS can provide you with the most … Continue reading

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Powerful Rainbow Formula: Miracle creation

Powerful Rainbow Formula: Miracle creation Do you know that falling stocks’ prices are unlimited? Is it worth buying falling stocks when reach cheaper level? There is still a gap for the falling price when you see the below stock. Can the investment … Continue reading

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Can investing Westpac – an Australian stock – makes profit?

Can investing Westpac – an Australian stock – makes profit? As life goes on and our age increases. Our life span getting shorter and our time lesser. As we gained more experiences, years get diminishing. Our objective targets seem to … Continue reading

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Reap profits from the declining in Forex pair EURUSD

If you are not academically inclined, not a professional and does not come from a well to do family and is not eager to slot your entire life working; a pathway to richness is to choose Forex for investment! Is … Continue reading

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How do you monitor the current market situations?

How do you monitor the current market situations? Through newspaper reports? By words of mouth? Or undertaking your own analysis? By having INSIDERS, you don’t have to use other methods in analyzing the latest market conditions. Just like the graph … Continue reading

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Are you an indecisive investor?

Are you an indecisive investor? Do you know that when you are still indecisive whether to buy or not the stocks, others are already busy reaping their profits? Let me give you an example, When the share price dropped, somehow … Continue reading

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Posted in Australia Stocks, Canada Stocks, China Stocks, Commodities, CPO, Forex, Futures, Hong Kong Stocks, Malaysia Stocks, Singapore Stocks, Taiwan Stocks, UK Stocks, US Futures, US Stocks | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Are you an indecisive investor?

Malaysia Bornoil-WB Share Growing Fast

Malaysia Bornoil-WB Share Growing Fast from past 5 weeks! For the past 5 weeks until recently, Bornoil-WB share price has surged continuously and show future growth potentials. Prior to this, did you enter the market? Were you convinced and aware that this share has … Continue reading

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The value of a book

How do you actually evaluate a book? Do you evaluate its value based on its design cover, the papers quality used or the book thickness ? “Never judge a book by its cover” The worth of a book is measured … Continue reading

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Malaysia Stock Xing He Holdings Bhd

One of China Top Six biggest edible oil Xing He Holdings Bhd. was listed in Bursa Malaysia at the end of April 2014. Malaysia Stock Xing He Holdings Bhd.: As share price falls in the market, most investors will act … Continue reading

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Malaysia Stock SUMATEC – 1201

Malaysia Stock SUMATEC – 1201 Trend Recently, Malaysia stock SUMATEC ranked 10 Top Volume Trade. Daily, there are many investors involve in trading this share. However, why are some investors selling their share at a lower share price; while some … Continue reading

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INSIDERS The Ultimate Tool in Investment

INSIDERS The Ultimate Tool in Investment INSIDERS provides you with high accuracy signals that can help you generate substantial profits from the market! From the graph, red signal will appear, indicating the right timing to sell your stocks. However, INSIDERS … Continue reading

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